Friday, October 8, 2010

Cincinnati 2

Very cool bar/venue with outdoor patio and balcony, multiple rooms, good beers in cans, and vegan dogs!!

Fun local band that mixes electronic beats with real instruments (including banjo and accordian!)

The Fruit Bats (good, but pretty boring)
Downtown Cincinnati. It was cold and windy this day, instead of cold and rainy. A shitty shift, in my opinion.

Celtic fest was going on. I was too cold to be too excited about standing around that long, but I do love bagpipes.

I was disappointed by the number of beautiful old buildings that were occupied by corporate businesses (I think this was an Urban Outfitters and fast food place).

This building, however, is a high school. Pretty pimp school (not that a gorgeous building can improve the awful nature of high school, but a little novelty never hurts)

"Famous" chili (I wasn't super impressed by the vegetarian rice and beans)

Awesome cafe/bar with great food!

Mmmm, ice cream.

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