Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Badlands bitches!

Welcome to the wonderful town of Wall, home of the famous  Wall Drug.  Free ice water and 5c coffee (the worst coffee I have ever consumed, but drink it all I did!)This was almost a new Wall attraction, as I wasn't wearing any unders!The Badlands! I really was awed. I didn't expect so much beauty from a place with such a name.Mitchell's Corn Palace. It changes every year. I was sorely disappointed because I understood it to be a structure built entirely of corn, where as it is in fact merely decorated with it. What a sham!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Silly in Rapid City

So every corner downtown has a life-sized statue of a president. I got a bit bored before I saw them all. I did give it to Mr. Taft real good though. And I am hitting Ford's pipe here, in case there were any questions.This was the old fire station, which is thankfully now a neat brewery with a delicious wheat beer!Art Alley. I wasn't too super stoked on Rapid City till I saw this, and I remained here until the end of my night.This is the band that was playing, the Jolly Llamas. They were pretty good- I mean, I bought a cd! Then this foxy firedancing man topped it all off real nicely!

This is Dinosaur Park. It is just what it sounds like. Apparently the largest dinosaur bones ever discovered were found in this very spot. I want to know why T-rex has stubs for arms, poor fellow.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mt. Rushmore and etc

 This is the fabulous lil' town of Keystone, where these two westernly dressed gents had a showdown in the center of the street.Yes this is Custer Park, and the Black Hills Nat'l Forest. I took way too many pics, esp. the driving kind. It was all just so beautiful! (and there were buffalo!) Needles highway is awful to drive- it is all severely windy and narrow roads with one lane tunnels, pig tail bridges and hairpin turns that turn right back on themselves. I was lost almost the whole time.

Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse. All of this crap costs way too much money.